3rd Annual West Virginia State Wrestling Championship
Friday March 24, 1950
Mountaineer Field House, Morgantown
Steve Harrick, WVU Wrestling & Baseball Coach - Tournament Director
A.C. "Whitey" Gwynne - Official
Team Scores - Coach
- 1) 23 Parkersburg - Jim Scott
- 2) 8 Beckley* - Victor Peelish
- 3) 3 University - Homer Fizer
3 Wheeling - Walker A. Dick
3 Weston - Robert Dutton
- 6) 0 Weirton - Pat Handes
Finals Results
Wt: 103 William Crislip WST def Lewis Guidi U by Decision
Wt: 112 Carlyn Jackson* P def Kenny Williams B by Decision
Wt: 120 Bill Maxey B def James Pringle* P by Decision
Wt: 127 Bill Pritchard WHL def Richard Murphy P by Decision
Wt: 133 Jack Tippens P def Homer Headlee U by Decision
Wt: 138 William Golden U def Carroll Baker** P by Decision
Wt: 145 Joe Kiser P def Eddie Long B by Decision
Wt: 154 Mike Techak B def Robert Baughman WHL by Fall
Wt: 165 Darrell Jones P def Dale Bonnett WST by Decision
Wt: 175 Paul Starr P def Wayne Redd WRT by Decision
Wt: 185 Leon Wilson P def Lewis Webb B by Decision
Wt: UNL Robert Barrows* P def J.D. Kidd* B by Fall
*Defending Champion, **Two Time Defending Champion
The finalists for the 1950 State Tournament were determined in a regional tournament on March 10th at Weston where six
teams participated. After weigh-ins, the wrestlers were placed in a blind draw to determine pairings. The two finalists in each
weight then advanced to the State Tournament in Morgantown two weeks later. Fred P. "Chick" Weihl, principal of Weston
High School and WV Athletic Association Board of Appeals member was the Regional Tournament Director. Whitey
Gwynne, WVU Athletic Trainer and former WVU Mat Coach was the Regional Referee.
FOLLOW THIS LINK to a photo of the 1950 State Champion Parkersburg High team
Thanks to Brent Sams, Parkersburg WV
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