Inquiring Minds......

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Inquiring Minds......

Postby GsUpChooseDown » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:20 pm

Curious as to the officials that frequent this forum if you could enlighten me on what exactly is the role of the second official that is on the mat? Do they have any power? Just there to observe, and not make calls? Help watch the clock? Reason asking, is during one of the matches last night there was an interesting situation I got to observe for myself first hand where the “second official” on the mat told the “head official” that a certain opponent was “flat” or pinned. The head official makes the comment “I don’t care I’m not slapping the mat”. This of course was observed by the kids coaches (one doing the pinning and was even over heard by the kid doing the pinning) which caused a scene of course. just curious as to what the real role of that person is? Match is over and of course nothing can be changed, obviously altered a kids hard work he had done all year but that’s not for me to decide...and honestly the match is the least of my worries, its more so the behavior of the “head official” and what his logic.

Like to add....he left quite quickly after this match and did not return which is also little strange.

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby LandmineFitness » Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:19 pm

Interesting no one has commented on the plot thickens. ;) :roll:

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby mscoach4 » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:49 pm

I dunno what the 2nd official allowed to call/change or whatever but there were times when he was in a better position to call a pin but did not do so. Is the 2nd official allowed to make that call when it is so obvious? It cost a South wrestler a state championship at 113 and no I am not a South fan.

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby Bearhugger » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:54 pm

I am surprised that Wiseone hasn't stepped in and gave clarity to this. He probably hasn't logged on yet.
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby wv16refgk » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:59 pm

Pick up a HIGH SCHOOL rule book and turn to Rule 3 Section2 Articles 1 and 2 and it tells you exactly what can and cant be done by the assistant referee .Its pretty clear and will help anyone to understand the assistants responsabilitiesGK

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby brentsams » Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:15 pm

Rule 3-2 Assistant Referee
Art 1 ..."The use of a second referee is designed to minimize human errors in matters of rule application and judgement."
Art 2 ... "The assistant referee will be granted the same mobility as the referee and will complement and assist the referee in making calls." ... yada yada yada

Rule 5-11 Fall
Art 1 ... "A fall occurs when any part of both shoulders or both scapula of either wrestler are in contact with the mat for two seconds."

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby mscoach4 » Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:24 pm

After reading that it appears to me that the only immediate calls he can signal are technical violations. He can disagree on other calls but can not make that call by himself, he can only inform the head referee and it is up to him only to then make a call. From the description above that is exactly what happened and the head referee decided to not take what the assistant told him. Pride in the way? To me it seems the assistants role should be allowed to make that call.

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby wv16refgk » Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:28 pm

Brent: It's the yada yada yada that's important when discussing the assistant official's role!!! By that I mean ART.2 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,and k.It goes into detail how things should be called and his role in each situation!! Overall thru out the tournament this year it was handled very well by all officials involved!!The assistant does not have a whistle in his mouth and thus can't start or stop the match for any reason, which if you think about it makes perfect sense... could you imagine two whistles on the mat and varying opinions on judgement calls. Sometimes human error comes into play as well or position or whatever other thing could happen usually does(remember the match from last year) The point I'm making is two sets of eyes are better than on when it comes to locking hands (could be away from the head ref) and grasping clothing, which are two of the most griped about calls always. It's not a perfect system but much better than one guy on the mat and is used in the majority of the State tournaments around the nation as well as all of the college tourneys and now in college they have added replay which is another matter all together!!! You've known me a long time and I guess I officiated more states in a row than anyone but there were times I wished I had an assistant and now finally they do!!! It's not perfect but much better than it was without one!!!GK

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby KSRefBP » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:15 pm

ART. 2 . . . The assistant referee will be granted the same mobility as the ­referee and will complement and assist the referee in making calls. The referee will be in complete control of the match. Following are procedures to follow with the use of an assistant referee:

a. Constant verbal communication between the referee and the assistant is necessary throughout the match concerning stalling, line calls, illegal holds/maneuvers, technical violations, potentially dangerous holds/maneuvers and time remaining in the period;

b. The two referees should be facing each other while each is maintaining a view between the wrestlers. Both referees must move to positions on the mat where the best view of wrestling and verbal communications can be achieved;

c. In a near fall situation, the assistant referee should not be down on the mat, but in a position to observe the action, the clock, and tap the referee when time expires;

d. If the assistant referee observes interlocking hands or grasping of clothing, the proper signal should be given immediately and the assistant referee should inform the referee of the infraction;

e. The assistant referee must develop a feel for the match to properly assist the referee. When the assistant disagrees with the referee, the assistant will bring it to the referee's attention immediately. It is not required to stop the match, unless the referee thinks it is necessary. The referee will avoid interrupting the match when significant action is in progress;

f. When necessary, the referee and assistant shall meet briefly on the edge of the mat away from the wrestlers and coaches, away from the scorer's table to discuss the point of disagreement;

g. The assistant may support, disagree or have no opinion relative to a decision. The referee shall prevail in the event of disagreement;

h. When a decision is reached, the referee will inform the scorer's table of any change in match scoring, timing, etc.;

i. The referee, assistant referee and two contestants are the only individuals permitted on the wrestling mat. Coaches are not permitted to address the assistant referee and the assistant referee is not permitted to address the coaches. This is the referee's responsibility;

j. During any headlock, the assistant should be in position to observe any action from underneath and verbally inform the referee of any change from legal to illegal;

k. During the end-of-the-match procedure, the assistant referee shall be on the edge of the circle to observe both wrestlers and coaches as they leave the wrestling area.
Brian Pauley
Retired Kanawha Southern Wrestling Official

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby RealGreco » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:19 pm


Have you ever ref before? I mean I wrastle in WV, a time or two but I don’t think I have seen you before! I hope your not that one particular fella that had fans screaming at him every time a whistle was blown!

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby wv16refgk » Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:47 pm

Greg: I even called a few of your matches over the years hope all is great with you my old friend. I try not to get to wrapped up since i retired but sometimes have to express my opinion. I mostly just congratulate and comment on positive stuff like you!!! GK

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby RealGreco » Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:59 pm

Hey my very good friend... I was just playing around trying to diffuse any differences. Lol
I hope you are doing good yourself my friend! Miss hanging out with “ my” people from home.

Keep in touch and I will always remember the time I had blood all over the mat, was winning in the finals but you threw me out but you gave me like 15 minutes of “ blood time” lol
Man I was so mad but we always stayed true friends !

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby wv16refgk » Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:24 pm

I do and I always will be a friend!! That match was at the Pt. Pleasant open and Blood was definitely flowing!! GK

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Re: Inquiring Minds......

Postby Bearhugger » Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:12 pm

LandmineFitness wrote:Interesting no one has commented on the plot thickens. ;) :roll:

Great screen name!!!!! I have seen videos of Kyle Fake using a landmine. My good friend TrueSouthFanInLeon told me Point Pleasant started using landmines this past summer.
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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