Video Challenge

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Re: Video Challenge

Postby Studcradle » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:44 am

Bearclaw11 wrote:The kid from Ripley 113 needs his match reviewed kid from south never took a shotsad take kid down step over and kid on his back should have gotten back points they wined about it at regionals didn't hear nothing about it from south terrible ... feel bad for theses kids

I think this is really what your question about South has to do with in the Predictions thread.
I can’t find any involving him in any predictions but was it the predictions or the parental excuses that really hurt the wrestler’s progress? You cannot blame officiating if you did not help your son improve in the off season. Good luck this year and focus on your son and his Viking teammates, there are big shoes to fill from great kids graduating.

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Re: Video Challenge

Postby firedawg64 » Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:11 am

I have been all over the state with my wrestler and I think one of the biggest problems is standardized calls, you go up North stalls are called real quick you go mid state and they give them lots of time. There seems to be such a wide spectrum of how calls are going to be. This past weekend at a tournament we had one ref made kids hold a pin for several seconds and the other was very fast as soon as the shoulders touched it was a pin. It is tough on coaches and kids when even the refs call a different match in the same tournament. I believe a single view camera should be used and help standardize the refs a little.

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Re: Video Challenge

Postby Frank » Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:12 pm

wrestlingfan23202 wrote:
pin2win wrote:All I have to say about this thread....Dont put yourself in a position where the referees determines the match.... Congratulations Jaime..all your hard work has paid off!!!!

Exactly!!! If the score was wrong. Still debatable. But then they knew what the score was and what he needed to do. He lost. Woody did an outstanding job.... great stall call and he did great he can’t help if his scoring official screwed up. I’ve seen Indy fans complaining so much but you know if it happened to Ward they would be okay with it

I m one of those fans that voiced his opinion on the match.
After some time to think about the match and many of the matches that I have watched from the stands and the corner.
I still don't think its right to cheat a kid. You might be able to justify it in your head somewhere but I cant.
As I see it Alex Hart got cheated a State Title.
And Wards got cheated too, form now on, he, his coaches, his school will be linked to this dark moment. If he wins a title this year a shadow will be cast upon it due to last years. In my opinion, both kids were cheated.
Their is nothing I can do about it.
And the people who were suppose to do something about it, didn't. So two kids got cheated. One from Indy the other from Winfield. And me personally, I don't approve. You go ahead and justify if you want.

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Re: Video Challenge

Postby greencrush » Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:14 pm

Truesouthfaninhunt wrote:
Bearhugger wrote:
aacoach61 wrote:I’m sure instant replay is workable for WVSSAC wrestling, but it has ruined NFL and college football games for me by dragging them out ad nauseum.

I believe that 100% of the time the top refs at the high school tournament want to get it right and could care less which wrestler wins. The real solution is to teach coaches the rules and how to communicate at the scorer’s table and, more importantly, to teach referees how to listen and admit they are wrong.

Every time I used to ask for a conference at the scorer’s table, the referee (who admittedly was usually right) would give me a dirty look like “how dare you challenge me.” The referee needs to realize that a challenge isn’t personal, it’s business, and on occasion they are wrong. That attitude alone goes a long way in correcting problems while there is still time.

Correction, with all due respect. The NFL got ruined due to all of the kneeling during the National Anthem. Although I am not a diehard football fan, I have always watched the Super Bowl. This year I skipped it.

“ ruined” ? Just because YOU “skipped” the SB? Are you the universal barometer of NFL popularity? :lol:

He's not the universal barometer on anything, but he is right. I'm not going to derail the thread by posting on the topic again.

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Re: Video Challenge

Postby ncref » Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:04 am

I’ve been an official off and on for 10 seasons and I have mixed emotions regarding video replay. Fundamental y I want to make sure we get the call right. But, I simply don’t think it’s all that practical at the high school level.

First, you would need a separate replay official to be an objective arbiter. It certainly shouldn’t be a school administrator reviewing the replays nor would anything really get fixed if we were reviewing our own calls. We have a hard enough time finding officials to call the matches let alone another one to just do replays.

Second, you would have to limit it to a specific type of call. Unless you have a camera to cover every possible angle, it will be tough to overturn takedowns, near falls, out of bounds etc. I would limit it to scoring and clock discrepancies. For example, if I signal for a reversal and it gets recorded as escapes, that would be reviewable as would whether or not a pin occurred before or after time expired. I certainly would not allow it to be used to overturn a judgment call (ie: slam or no slam).

Lastly I would only give a certain amount out challenges per meet/tournament. Otherwise you run into a coaches using reviews to buy sometime for his wrestler to rest. I would treat it similar to injury time. If you challenge and win, no penalty. If you challenge and lose, you lose that challenge and the opponent gets choice of position on the restart. This will prevent abuse of the challenges.

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