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Verification for On-line Registration for Jr States

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:51 am
by RickDunbar
I have been getting a lot of calls from people wanting to verify that their on-line registration went through ok. You can check on the website under "Entry Form Results". Simply type in the wrestler's last name into the box and it should appear at bottom if he has been registered on-line. HIS NAME WILL NOT APPEAR IF IT HAS BEEN MAILED IN OR DROPPED OFF TO ME.

There has been often times been an error message that says "critical error" after the paypal payment has been made. We can't seem to make that go away but in every case, the entry has went through ok.

Forms can be dropped off to my office in Parkersburg until 3pm on Friday.

Re: Verification for On-line Registration for Jr States

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:33 pm
by brentsams