These rule committees are as effective as the WV Legislature.
I agree with Mr. Amos about the "new changes".
The college out of bounds for falls and near falls is great. Why not add the college rule on take downs on the out bounds as well?
The problem with this rule is when you go to a tournament with "pee wee" mats wall to wall. There are rules already in place for this problem
but year after year we visit tournaments with insufficient mat border.
In reference to the other thread concerning the state tournament being 2 weeks after regional, I like it. Coaches can modify their schedule accordingly and maybe this will give battlers from AAA region IV time to rest and heal.
My biggest problem with all of this is folks not enforcing rules currently. I have seen and heard rules broken by wrestlers and coaches but overlooked by those paid to enforce them. For whatever reason some rules are overlooked and not enforced prior to today. I feel most overlooked rules are "unpopular". I suppose lack of education can be blamed for the rest (Myself included).
Tobacco is a classic example.
I watched an opposing coach get upset and listened as he told a pretty good official, "You're garbage!", after many other derogatory remarks. Should we not hold coaches accountable? Maybe the official was very understanding and preferred not to engage in a power struggle.
Certified Scales???
Can we continue to change rules to make wrestling better? I think so.
Did we already have rules in place and enforce all of them? I do not think so.
As long as some folks "bend' the rules, wrestling will make major news only in a negative manner.