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Regional Strength - Another Angle

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:09 am
by Bearhugger
There has been a tad of dialogue surrounding the strength of certain regions.

No matter how I look at the regions, it keeps coming up as AAA region 4 and AA/A region 1 as the baddest of the bad.

Here is the latest key performance indicator: "Number of times the #1 seed did not win the regional championship".

Region 3: Two #1 seeds did not win. 2/14 = 14.29%

Region 2 and 4: Three #1 seeds. 3/14 = 21.43%

Region 1: SIX #1 seeds were defeated. 6/14 = 42.86%. Twice the amount of regions 2 and 4.

Region 1: Two #1 seeds were defeated. 2/14 = 14.29%

Region 2 and 3: Three #1 seeds were defeated. 3/14 = 21.43%

Region 4: SIX #1 seeds were defeated. 6/14 = 42.86%. Twice the amount of regions 2 and 3.