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"Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:38 am
by Bearhugger
WV has a lot of schools with wrestling teams that have "less than" 5 wrestlers, "less than" 10 wrestlers, etc.

A good idea would be for somebody to put together a tournament next season in which schools with "less than" rosters can compete on a more level playing field.

No teams with full rosters allowed.

All class, less than 5 division, all class, less than 10 division or whatever.

It could also be an event for B teamers too.

Schools with small rosters could compete for a team title for once.

Bring on all devil's advocate questions. I am ready.

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:28 pm
by mscoach23
I think that is actually a great idea

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:18 pm
by Lloyd Christmas
Yea, let's just encourage teams to have less wrestlers!!! Great idea bearhugger!! Oh and if you have another comment a red hoodie you could wear one bro.

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:51 am
by KDunbar
What would be the purpose? To crown a team champion for those having only 5 wrestlers? Just let them wrestle with all the teams and look at which one scores the most points. It accomplishes the same thing and the tournaments already exists. 5 member teams have the same chance at placing individual wrestlers as everyone else. This new tournament would just water down the competition. We're already seeing enough of that with the current drop in participation.

I don't think you really were ready. ;)

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:47 am
by GWFan
Great idea - it doesn’t detract from full team schools
Promotes wrestling

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:40 pm
by Bearhugger
Based on the responses so far, there seems to be an even split. 50% like the idea. 50% appear to be leaning away from the idea.

I will add that using the same "playbook" that one's legendary, Hall of Fame coach used back in the 70s or 80s might need some realistic adjustment to address today's challenges.

West Virginia has:

1. JVs that need more matches. Good coaches should find ways to get JVs at least 20 matches a season! Good tournament directors should want JVs AND LET THEM IN FOR FREE OR A SUPER REDUCED PRICE!!

2. The state is filled with schools that have less than 7 wrestlers. Maybe somebody will prepare a list of them before the season ends???

3. Wrestlers miss matches and have available weigh ins. They could attend the "Less Than" Challenge.

Re: "Less Than" Challenge

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:10 am
by KDunbar
Bearhugger wrote:Based on the responses so far, there seems to be an even split. 50% like the idea. 50% appear to be leaning away from the idea.

I will add that using the same "playbook" that one's legendary, Hall of Fame coach used back in the 70s or 80s might need some realistic adjustment to address today's challenges.

West Virginia has:

1. JVs that need more matches. Good coaches should find ways to get JVs at least 20 matches a season! Good tournament directors should want JVs AND LET THEM IN FOR FREE OR A SUPER REDUCED PRICE!!

2. The state is filled with schools that have less than 7 wrestlers. Maybe somebody will prepare a list of them before the season ends???

3. Wrestlers miss matches and have available weigh ins. They could attend the "Less Than" Challenge.

Count me in the group that really likes the idea. However, there is a much easier way to do all of this and it is already in place. Just have all the partial teams go to all the regular tournaments with all the other teams. Then everyone gets to wrestle the best competition, which is always a good thing. I agree that they could reduce the entry prices for the teams that can't afford it and maybe for the JV teams and then just charge more for admission to the fans to make up for the costs incurred. Then just have a trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 14 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 13 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 12 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 11 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 10 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 9 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 8 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 7 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 6 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 5 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 4 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 3 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that score the most points with their 2 top scoring wrestlers. Then have another trophy for the team that scores the most points with their 1 top scoring wrestler. It can't get much more even and fairer than that. Of course, one could also argue for the other option of awarding a trophy for the team that scores the least points with their 14 scoring wrestlers and then another trophy for the team that scores the least with their bottom 13 wrestlers and so on. In any case the current tournaments are already set up to handle the "less than" scenario without incurring the costs of adding an entire new tournament filled with lots of byes since none of the "less than" teams actually have "less than" in matching weight classes and the best wrestlers on those "less than" teams would be missing the opportunity to improve by seeing the best competition. The one thing I am against is the name "less than". We need to come with a more positive and less degrading name for the event. And yes, I do know that nobody likes a smarta**. :)