Head Injuries

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Head Injuries

Postby FMScoach7 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:47 pm

With the emphasis that everyone is putting on head injuries now days and how cautious we should be of them. Can someone please tell me why it's not required to have emt/ambulance at a wrestling match? You can't start a football game without a ambulance available. Yet in a sport such as wrestling it's not required. I believe this needs changed and idk who to start with or where to start. I thought I might see what everyone else here thinks. We had a serious head injury at the region 3 tournament today that went from bad to worse in the 15-20 minutes it took the ambulance to get there. If an ambulance was present he would have been at the hospital by the time it got to that point seeing as how the hospital was a stones throw away. I hope that kid is okay. It was a scary situation. That may have been prevented from turning so bad if an ambulance was readily available.

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Re: Head Injuries

Postby lovesthesport » Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:26 pm

Trainers are not required to be there either, this is done as a courtesy by the hosting team. We were at a tournament this year and there were EMT workers there. However, they were there watching a certain team and would not even assist when there was an injury. They were in uniform, had their equipment with them, sitting at every mat that the team they were watching wrestled at, yet would not offer assistance. I went over and explained the situation to them and they said they would be right over. They never came over to check. I had to get one of our parents, who happens to be a nurse, to look at a wrestler from another team that we felt was severely concussed. He ended up going to the ER, being transported by his patents.
Nicki Michael

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Re: Head Injuries

Postby my3wrestlers » Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:10 pm

I can say that in Clay County we have had an ambulance at every tournament from peewee up to high school. My husband who is an EMT has made sure of it. I 100% agree over the years I have seen some major injuries where the child would have been better off with a professionals opinion of going to be checked out instead off sitting the bleachers for the matter to worsen. My husband has even helped other teams when we were at other tournaments, so has my son who is now an EMT.

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